Hello everyone and welcome to the [KING] recruitment page. Well, let's jump into it, shall we?
[KING] is going to be a competitive gaming clan based on the game, you guessed it, Total Annihilation: Kingdoms. If you are here to play scripts, offline mode, or play mods 95% of the time this clan may not be for you - but all are welcome to apply and few will be denied based on some loose guidelines.
Having said that, here are the requirements for applying and some guidelines this clan will abide by.
ALL ARE WELCOME TO APPLY. From the USA, to BR, to eastern Europe and beyond.
DUAL CLAN MEMBERSHIP IS PERMITTED. This means as long as your clan permits it (which I'm pretty sure they all do) you are welcome to be a part of [KING] and your respected clan. However, the tag you will present will be [K] for lengths sake. Example KM-Sage[K].
SMURFING INTO [KING] IS ENCOURAGED. Let's get real for a moment. Sometimes people just don't want to be found. I can understand that. Smurfing here is welcome in all forms. Even I don't need to know who you are. If you are removed from the clan for any reason and want to try to smurf your way back in, go for it.
CHEATING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Nor will exercising any conduct that is unbecoming of a TA:K player. Cheap shit like building in the middle, not deleting your units after a glitched wave, dropping from the top of the screen, come on we all know what is tolerable and what is not.
EXPECT GAMES TO BE RECORDED. I think there's a fair number of people out there who "boost" their game play and this is the only realistic answer for that.
Those are the basic ground rules. As many of you know I am a diehard gamer so I plan on running this clan like a professional. It doesn't mean I'm going to be super strict or an asshole or anything remotely like that, I want to keep things loose and chill. However, the afformentioned will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
Having said all of that, there are a few ways to apply. You can send me a PM here on the forums. Or... I will leave a room open on GameRanger while I'm at work or out and about and you can smurf me and leave me a message if that's how you would like to do it. Please do not be under the impression that you have to be an awesome TA:K player, it's quite the opposite and I hope to see some interest from some of the newer members of our community.
Well cool then. Happy gaming.