Hell Yeah, Guys. I finally discovered how to manage that fucking "Diplomacy - Share Mana" thing. lol
You can do that by using the following commands:
+GiveMana (Player ID) (Amount)
Gives an amount of your Mana instantly to a player. You can check who is player 1, player 2, by checking the Diplomacy Menu (D), then count, the first is Player 1, second Player 2...
Player ID = You can see by counting the player position in Diplomacy Menu.
*+ShareManaPct (% of your Max Mana to Share)
You set a percentage of your Mana to share with your ally PER SECOND, where 0 is 0%, 0.25 is 25%, 0.5 is 50%, 0.75 is 75% and 1 is 100%. (You can, for sure, use others values like 0.01 for 1%)
*+ShareManaLimit (% of your Max Mana to Limit)
You can here declare a Limit that when it's hit, your are not going to share mana anymore. For example, if you have 10000 max mana and you are sharing some mana with your friend, but want always to have at least 2000 mana, use +ShareManaLimit 0.2 (20%) and when your mana hits 2000 or below, you will automatically stop sharing, and will continue sharing if it goes higher than 2000.
Some sets: 0 is 0%, 0.25 is 25%, 0.5 is 50%, 0.75 is 75% and 1 is 100%. (You can, for sure, use others values like 0.01 for 1%)
* = Needs to enable Share Mana in Diplomacy.
That's it for today guys, hope you all enjoyed that. If I discover something more I will edit this topic, so keep your eyes open. =D
Credit goes to:
DK-Manolololololololo (now known as DeeKay) - All TA:K Downloads - HELL YEAH DISCOVERED ALL THAT FUCKING ALONE
Sage - TA:K Universe - Helped with testing commands and these things :3
MalinOMW - On My Way - Helped testing commands and always giving nice opinions :3