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 Something odd about a Book of Darien map...

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Something odd about a Book of Darien map... Empty
PostSubject: Something odd about a Book of Darien map...   Something odd about a Book of Darien map... EmptyTue Jul 05, 2016 12:33 pm

On the campaign mission #18 titled "War" there is bridge which allows passage through jungle water. The tiny islands appear so close together that a unit can move through the shallow water between them with ease.

Something odd about a Book of Darien map... War_bo11

I wanted to recreate this in one of my multiplayer maps on working on, only to discover that it is impossible (with the cartographer at least). I can't manipulate the tiles into the right location. The islands are either too far away or tiles overlap. All the tests I did on my custom map ended up with my monarch stopped cold as soon as he moved into the water.

Something odd about a Book of Darien map... Tak_ca10

Cavedog created something that obviously isn't included in cartographer and I have no idea how to retrieve it.
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Something odd about a Book of Darien map... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something odd about a Book of Darien map...   Something odd about a Book of Darien map... EmptyTue Jul 05, 2016 1:40 pm

Did you try opening that map on cartographer?
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Something odd about a Book of Darien map... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something odd about a Book of Darien map...   Something odd about a Book of Darien map... EmptyTue Jul 05, 2016 3:20 pm

It's not in the map folder, so where would I find it?
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Something odd about a Book of Darien map... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something odd about a Book of Darien map...   Something odd about a Book of Darien map... EmptyTue Jul 05, 2016 5:36 pm

It's in missions.hpi with hpi viewer.
Do you know which mission is it in number order? I can fetch the map from there if you want.
But I don't have the missions cleared so I'd have to play one by one to find it

(They are in the format that is found in the kmap folder from extracted kmp files) So its necessary to use hpi packer too to pack them back into a map
But now im curious as well, once I get home Ill grab the map from the mission

Last edited by DeeKay on Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:37 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : There is a feature called EDIT POST if you didn't know)
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Something odd about a Book of Darien map... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something odd about a Book of Darien map...   Something odd about a Book of Darien map... EmptyTue Jul 05, 2016 6:53 pm

Mission #18
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$ MalinOMW

$ MalinOMW

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Something odd about a Book of Darien map... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something odd about a Book of Darien map...   Something odd about a Book of Darien map... EmptySat Jul 09, 2016 6:27 am

i had all campaign maps in some of my google drive


or somewhere there

btw i need to talk with Manolo to put my all Campaign/original maps into his alltakdownloads
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Something odd about a Book of Darien map... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something odd about a Book of Darien map...   Something odd about a Book of Darien map... EmptySat Jul 09, 2016 11:26 am

I gave him the map but if i recall from what he said it really isnt in the normal cartographer?
What was the verdict Nightfall? I dont remember
Is the map from the 3v3 from yesterday with the working tiles?
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Something odd about a Book of Darien map... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Something odd about a Book of Darien map...   Something odd about a Book of Darien map... EmptyThu Jul 14, 2016 3:06 am

Yes that new map we played on incorporated those tiles not found in the usual zhon tileset, which brings me to another point; if you try to load another non-campaign zhon map a pop up will appear that will read "this map is not compatible with the current world type of Zhon. Reload cartographer if you wish to open this match."

Apparently the campaign zhon maps and the normal cartographer zhon set dont belong to the same category, even though the two are virtually identical.
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