warriors - they are a quik billd and hit hard but like all T1 units lack hp. a good unit to start of any rush, a small amout of waching is required to avoid waves and in unsufishent nubers wont last agenced T2 units.
crossbowmen - good in nubers and agen quik to bild. when in defence hide behind gats and bilde up atleast 7+ crossbowmen minimun. crossbowmen are a groupe unit and so are verry week agenced waves so wach out for mons and manuly target them with the crossbowmen. when using crossbowmen as a rush unit to be afective a bilde up of unkilled units must acumalate then its only a matter of time intill they brake the enamy.
catapults - they are op and so only two or three are needed to kill that silly gate or that stronghold thats stoping a good rush. they have more hp than there aromon countapart and do more damage. use there rainge and protect well.
parrot - these eyes are fast and are needed with almost evrry varunan army cos of the large nuber of rainged units in use.
mer warriors - these water units are strong and can swim but cost. a good strat unit but warriors are better for land use. mer warriors can kill boats easaly but swamp beasts are too powafull for them. this unit can bypass defenses so are always usfull as an aid to a vitory.
priestes - the billder unit. slow, week and cant atack but are nesasey to billd and with the quikest start up unhinderd construction is nesaserry so ceep them alive.