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 Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D

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Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D Empty
PostSubject: Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D   Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D EmptyWed Mar 31, 2010 3:58 pm

You have to register to get into these forums: http://www.ta3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1726

I'm trying to see if the makers of TA 3D, not TA Spring, can work on a 3D version for TaK. If you guys want to see this happen, come post.

This is their original site, take a look at their screenshot section under Medias:
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Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D   Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D EmptyWed Mar 31, 2010 4:13 pm

How big of a playerbase does TA 3D have?

And what does their engine offer?

For example... transporting units, teleportation, auras, multiple spells, bridges....etc...

are you able to make units fly like in TAK or do units just kinda soar thru the air like in TA?
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Lead Designer of The New Era Expansion Project

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Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D   Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D EmptyWed Mar 31, 2010 10:12 pm

Download the game and try it yourself; see if you like it.
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Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D   Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D EmptyWed Mar 31, 2010 11:28 pm

After looking at it again, some of the screenshots dont do it justice. Looks better than spring... Might be a good idea.... but same time its gonna be time consuming. I'll help if I have a tutorial... lol
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Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D   Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D EmptyThu Apr 01, 2010 12:58 pm

so essentially this is a new 3d engine which tak units can be loaded into without having to remake them all?

I must say that sounds pretty "****" awesome afro
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Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D   Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D EmptyThu Apr 01, 2010 1:26 pm

TAK models do not have back sides.... well like... buildings... and units that dont move.... so some of the units need to be retextured.. and others rescaled.

If we were able to mod Kingdoms on TA3D. It could be pretty epic.

-2 resources, possibly one if we wanted.
-New structures
ex. radar towers
ex. anti-radar towers
ex. reclaiming
ex. creating armies from wreckages
ex. REAL & BALANCED teleportation units
ex. bridge units
Theres much much more.


ideas for importing TAK to TA3D
***just for fun for now****
1)Lodestones can be built anywhere, producing mana.
2)Metal Extractors(possibly early blast furnaces) can be built on metal deposits to produce metal.
3)Some units would require one resource, or both to be made
4)Other units could be made to produce more resources; windmills and turbine water mills are 2 examples.
5)Players could reclaim, this giving the possibility to put a stop to rushing in TAK.
-reclaiming is getting resources back from wreckages, units, and corpses: if i am correct that is.
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Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D   Ta 3D, Requesting TaK 3D EmptyFri Jul 22, 2011 7:51 am

It would be soooooo coooooool if they made something similar for Kingdoms. affraid Shocked cheers bounce drunken flower rendeer
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