Hey Guys,
Today, I will post every Console Code (including Cheats ones) that I know in a list (it must be all).
So here we go:
• Console Codes (works without Power Codes "On"):+ShowRangesYou can activate this by attacking the floor with some unit and pressing SHIFT, it should appear a red outlined area that shows the Area of Effect of the weapons like this:
Weapon 0 = 1st Weapon (in case, Lightning, it has no Area of Effect)
Weapon 1 = 2nd Weapon (in case, Meteor)
Weapon 2 = 3rd Weapon (in case, Wave)
It is very useful when you want to wave an area and make sure it will not hit your own units.
+BPSShows some internet status.
+ShowFrameRateShows your Frame Rate, more details here:
+ShowFrameRate Topic.
+Logo (Color 0-9)Changes your color (it doesn't matter if there is already a player with the color).
+Logo (Player ID) (Color 0-9)Changes the color of the chosen player. Doesn't work in singleplayer. You can check who is player 1, player 2, by checking the Diplomacy Menu (D), then count, the first is Player 1, second Player 2...
0 - Light Blue1 - Red2 - White3 - Green4 - Dark Blue5 - Pink6 - Yellow7 - Black8 - Orange9 - Brown----------------------------------------------------
+FogColor # # #Changes your fogcolor to RGB (Red Green Blue) values, each # ranges from 0 to 255.
+NameUnit (Name)You can give a name to your selected unit. Example: Select Swordsman and type "+NameUnit King", it will appear as "Swordsman: King".
+GiveMana (Player ID) (Amount)Gives an amount of your Mana instantly to a player. You can check who is player 1, player 2, by checking the Diplomacy Menu (D), then count, the first is Player 1, second Player 2...
*+ShareManaPct (% of your Max Mana to Share)You can Share a percentage of your Mana with your ally PER SECOND (not sure), where 0 is 0%, 0.25 is 25%, 0.5 is 50%, 0.75 is 75% and 1 is 100%. (You can, for sure, use others values like 0.01 for 1%)
*+ShareManaLimit (% of your Max Mana to Limit)You can here declare a Limit that when it's hit, your are not going to share mana anymore. For example, if you have 10000 max mana and you are sharing some mana with your friend, but want always to have at least 2000 mana, use +ShareManaLimit 0.2 (20%) for it and when your mana hits 2000 or below, you will automatically stop sharing, and will continue sharing if it goes higher than 2000.
Some sets: 0 is 0%, 0.25 is 25%, 0.5 is 50%, 0.75 is 75% and 1 is 100%. (You can, for sure, use others values like 0.01 for 1%)
* - You should enable Mana Sharing in Diplomacy Menu to share with a player.
+FSRFull Screen Radar, same as pressing TAB key.
+ShootAllMakes units target any enemy unit regardless if they have "shootme" property enabled or disabled.
+ClockShows the time of the game.
+Contour #(0-Infinite)Shows the contour of the terrain, the higher it is, more contour it will have. (Do not set much high values because it might will make your game laggy)
+NoShakeYour screen won't shake when an earthquake occurs (example: acolyte 1st weapon)
+QuitQuits the game.
+showsrs+Kenny (0-101)Unit animation update rate. Useful to set lower values if you're getting low framerates.
+showbloodEnables/disables blood.
+vidmode x yChanges your resolution to x y if your monitor supports it. (ex 1920 1080)
+ShadowEnables/disables shadow.
+ShadingEnables/disables shading.
+AntiAliasEnables/disables antialias.
+MusicPlayPlays next music.
+MusicStopPlays next music.
+RightClickSets right-click interface.
+LeftClickSets left-click interface.
+ScrollSpeed (1-64)Sets scrollspeed to value.
• Cheat Codes (works only with Power Codes "On")+ManaMeFills all the mana of the selected unit.
+ATMFills all your Mana Storage.
+DoubleshotDouble all your units' default damage.
+HalfshotCut in half all your units' default damage.
+Mapping+NowISee+LOSDisables/Enables LOS.
+LotsaBloodMake units blood more.
• Unknown Codes(unknown codes or if they are even codes, lol, most are debug ones I believe)
+SFX+NetStats+RCache+Kingdoms+Compression+wind+stats+lockupdates+nounitcolorkey+buildlog+resoundclass+reexp+refx+VTune+VetMax+VetMul+Tune+ToggleFogRender+ToggleAirTrafficCheck+ToggleStrategy+ToggleSteering+TestMesgBoxes+SingleStep+Senderror+Search+SeaLevel+Save+ReloadAIProfiles+Reload+ProfileIgnore+ProfileSearch+Profile+PrintWeights+NoMana+Move+MemDump+MaxFPS+Kill+IWin+Include+ILose+Gods+FogDebug+Film+Feature+Edge+DPrint+DebugBreak+Damage+Control+BurnOne+BurnAll+AutoGates+Assign+Assert+MakePoster+NowISee+View+fixcursor+mcache+rendermin+rendertarget+dynamic+fixcursor+mcache+sing+RollingFog+WavyFog+WackyWater+LightRange+Light+Drop+Kingdoms+BigBrother+Selectable+SwitchAlt+move+reloadtime+bluefire+frozen+fire+Generic Game Description+savegame+BIGSHOT+FORCE OUT-OF-MEMORY+Polygon HackMyth Buster
There's no +meteor code in the game.
If I missed one, tell me and I will be glad.