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 Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea)

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Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) Empty
PostSubject: Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea)   Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) EmptySun Dec 14, 2014 11:15 am

Hey guys, I was thinking of making a new mod about insects, and I want to share this idea.

The mod will be called Total Annihilation: Insectdoms.
It's going to have 4 races: Ants, Termites, Roaches (or Cockroaches) and Beetles (or Bugs).

Ants will have the queen, soldiers and workers (maybe drones and princesses).
Termites will have the queen, soldiers and workers.
Roaches... will have roaches. xD
Beetles will have beetles...

Now the balancing part:

Ants, the queen will be the thing you should protect for your whole game, if you lose her, you lose the game, you'll protect her by spamming ants, as ants will be fast to be produced and cheap. Soldiers will be the fighters, and workers will give mana or something like that.

Termites, the queen, like ants, is what you should protect to don't lose the game, Termites are also spammable but in a slower, but stronger method, they will be more resistant and stronger, but slow walking.

Roaches are... free for all just like beetles, they will be so fast at walking and strong, but with so slow producing.

Beetles will be strong as \"****\', but slow at producing and slow at walking.

We can also add spiders too...

In short:

Ants - Fast Producing, Fast Walking and Weak.
Termites - Fast Producing, Slow Walking and Strong.
Roaches - Slow Producing, Fast Walking and Strong.
Beetles - Slow Producing, Slow Walking and Strong.

We can create some environments to develop that mod. Idk, just an idea, if someone wanna help, I'll be glad.

What do you guys think about it? Smile

Last edited by DeeKay on Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea)   Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) EmptySun Dec 14, 2014 4:24 pm

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Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea)   Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) EmptyMon Dec 15, 2014 6:12 pm

Getting started! haha'

Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) ZLYl7o5

That's going to be funny.
What do you guys think of adding Spiders? Yes or not?
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Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea)   Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) EmptyTue Dec 16, 2014 12:08 pm

Ant Logo Team is done. It looks so cute. <3

Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) JVh91u4
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Lord chris

Lord chris

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Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea)   Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) EmptyTue Dec 16, 2014 2:14 pm

hmm this mod sounds like a game i playied back in the day called antrush and if you add spiders they need to be the brown recluse spider since they dont mind others of there kind also ants need to be medium depending on what ant speices you use cause some are strong as \"****\' also roachs produce very fast beetles is the only thing that reproduce slowly well that and spiders if you add them but it sounds fun
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Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea)   Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) EmptyTue Dec 16, 2014 5:53 pm

Awnt Termites!! *-*

Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) SBYEBgr

I don't know if I'm going to add spiders... maybe in future plans.
Btw, if I make roaches produce fast, it'll be so OP.
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Lord chris

Lord chris

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Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea)   Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) EmptyWed Dec 17, 2014 1:32 am

well when compaied to ants vs roachs ants would win plus roaches arnt that strong anyway now some do have armor like the hissing cockroach so probley make rouchs med production and make there units semi tanky and slightly fast
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Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea)   Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) EmptyWed Dec 17, 2014 9:34 am

Roaches Team Logo
Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) NiT1W0w

Beetles Team Logo
Total Annihilation: Insectdoms Mod (Idea) EMzRfyh

What do you mean with ant vs roachs, ants would win? They need like 10 ants to kill 1 roach, that's why I'm going to make roaches in slow producing...
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