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 Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt

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Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt Empty
PostSubject: Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt   Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt EmptyFri Aug 18, 2023 11:23 am

Some of my game saves crash TA:Kingdoms when I try to reload them. It seems to be map related. I can play the game from start to finish with all maps without problem, but the moment I save a game and try to reload it, on some maps, it crashes the game. It crashes after the save has completely reloaded just when you'd expect the game to re-start.
I have been playing TA:Kingdoms since the day of release 1v0, so I have a large collection of maps. Is there a way to tell which maps don't work when saved please?
I did a full re-install a few months ago when NE5.9 came out, but it was happening before that too.
I'm running NewEra 5.9 4v1BB and run 1920 x 1080 resolution.
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Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt   Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt EmptyMon Sep 04, 2023 6:53 pm

Some maps are small, so having a large resolution will make the game crash when maps load.

Lower the game resolution in the battleroom to prevent crashes.

I think I use 1280 x 800 or something similar.
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Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt   Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt EmptyTue Sep 05, 2023 4:57 am

Hi Sage. Thanks for the response.
Do I need to run the game from the start in the lower resolution, or just when they crash after attempting a Save reload please?
Is there a way to "resample" or adjust the maps into a higher resolution please?
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Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt   Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt EmptyTue Sep 05, 2023 5:13 am

Hi again Sage.
I've just tried setting the resolution to various setting, even eventually resetting the whole Defaults to no avail, the reload still crashes the game. In this case I'm trying to reload "Ulasem Arena". Can I send you a saved game to see if it crashes your game too?
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Lead Designer of The New Era Expansion Project

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Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt Empty
PostSubject: Re: Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt   Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt EmptyTue Sep 05, 2023 7:38 am

Sure. DM me on discord with the file.
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PostSubject: Re: Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt   Saved game crashes Kingdoms upon reload attempt Empty

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