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 Aramon vs Demons

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Aramon vs Demons Empty
PostSubject: Aramon vs Demons   Aramon vs Demons EmptySun Jun 27, 2010 1:38 pm

I decided to do an action report like Bardan.

I decided to do a 4 person Free for all with extreme AIs against Demons, Fairy and Lizarions.
The map is Lake Lokken. Enjoy.

Rushed (Gametime: 15 minutes)

When I start off I immediatly create 2 barracks create 3 Mage builders fill up all my mana spots and start a Swordman-Archer rush to the north. After I start that I quickly make a Keep and Alcolyte and start making divines. While i'm doing that I send Elsin up to help destroy the fairies that happen to be there. Half way up I see a Elvin mage (circled), kill and steal him. Then I send Elsin back up to the fairies. As I arrive so do the demons. The demons kill of about 10 of my men and some of the fairies. After that I send Elsin in and destroy the Fairy Princess, securing the area. Sadly I forgot to take a picture of it, but the picture below should help with my description.

Aramon vs Demons Slide_10

Wtf? (Gametime 24 minutes)

So I'm commencing my assalt on the demons and suddenly the Lizarions die! So now i'm thinking "Holy shit?!" I now knew this wasn't going to be as easy as I thought. Below is the picture that worried me.

Aramon vs Demons Slide_11

A steal (Gametime: 27 minutes)

27 minutes into my battle I get a hude victory. I steal a Demon builder! With it I start building a Demon tower. With its epic range and fast leveling I will easly push them back.

Aramon vs Demons Slide_12

How the Hell? (Gametime: 39 minutes)

Well while I am about half way done building the fairy god with my stolen units. I suddenly win the game! I am on the edge of their base hardly even touching it and Victory. Yeah... I was pissed too. How stupid can a AI be? All well... I never even seen a single Lizarion..

Aramon vs Demons Slide_13

Yeah... It isn't much. I'll try and do a better one later. Personally this battle disapointed me. Probally won't put it on monarch expendable next time.
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Aramon vs Demons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aramon vs Demons   Aramon vs Demons EmptySun Jun 27, 2010 2:11 pm

Well \"****\", I replied but it didn't go through, so here's my short short version.

About your choice of enemies:
1) Fairies have a lot of units, more units than just about any other race, I think. They're a pain to keep straight, and most are not worth it. Just my opinion...

2) Lizarions have the least amount of units. Seriously, I think there's only about 10 of them, so there's no surprise that they failed so fast.

3) I actually don't think I've played the Demons...

About your AAR:
-Not bad for a first time, really!
-Good use of the mini-map and editing for Points of Interest.
-Could use a bit more description/explanation for each picture, though. For example, I don't know what the Demon Tower does/is.... so why is it so awesome to have?

-Its up to you, but the game resolution is very limiting in what we can see on-screen. Just an observation.
-Taking pictures can be a pain, so don't feel bad about missing one. You have to constantly remember to take them and properly time them for the best shot.

My Suggestions:
I personally give myself some kind of Parameters when I do these things, though I don't always mention them. For example, I might decide to go clockwise on the map, or I might try to capture every race's builder, or I might allow a build-up time of 20-30 minutes before I attack. It just adds a bit of depth to the game from the player's standpoint and can make it more interesting and fun. I tried one just yesterday playing as the Azurians where my #1 Guideline was to lead each assault with my monarch. Well, I don't have an AAR because he died in the first assault - but he did duel with the enemy monarch, which was sweet!

Anywho, just some suggestions/critiques. I truly hope to see some more in the future!
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Aramon vs Demons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aramon vs Demons   Aramon vs Demons EmptySun Jun 27, 2010 2:22 pm

Thanks for the advice. I checked out the Lizarions right before I seen this. Yeah... They suck. Also increasing my resolution will help me with a couple of things. I'll probally start another one in a few minutes. Not sure yet.
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Aramon vs Demons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aramon vs Demons   Aramon vs Demons EmptySun Jun 27, 2010 3:04 pm

editing an AI file so an AI will billde more units that it can use and make bildings better can help alot.
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Aramon vs Demons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aramon vs Demons   Aramon vs Demons EmptySun Jun 27, 2010 5:51 pm

just in case you didn't know if you press f8 i think it is it takes a pic and saves it in the kingdoms folder. So know need to printscreen Very Happy
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Aramon vs Demons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aramon vs Demons   Aramon vs Demons EmptySun Jun 27, 2010 7:10 pm

I knew there was another way, but I forgot it and was too lazy to ask :p
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Aramon vs Demons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aramon vs Demons   Aramon vs Demons EmptySun Jun 27, 2010 8:11 pm

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Aramon vs Demons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aramon vs Demons   Aramon vs Demons EmptySun Jun 27, 2010 8:44 pm

Since its been so long for me, I had forgotten too, thanks for the heads-up. Gonna make it tons easier!
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Aramon vs Demons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aramon vs Demons   Aramon vs Demons EmptyFri Jul 22, 2011 5:15 am

LOL! I was expecting this battle to be truly epic and all of sudden, VICTORY?!?! What an anti-climatic game... Crying or Very sad Neutral Crying or Very sad silent Neutral silent
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Aramon vs Demons Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aramon vs Demons   Aramon vs Demons EmptyThu Jul 28, 2011 5:05 am

Interesting. What really scares me though? The kills to losses ratio. I've tested demons but never really played against them yet. I'll have to give it a shot.
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PostSubject: Re: Aramon vs Demons   Aramon vs Demons Empty

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