First follow these steps to get Sony Vegas Free.
What's Sony Vegas ?
Sony Vegas is a program to add effects to yours video : add musics, edit the video, well couldnt tell you all ^^ it's just windows movie maker but for pro ^^
All concerned Sony vegas
Now im here to give you one more programs : Xilisoft Ultimate converter : The nest tools to convert anything to video/music and the fastest too.
An advice, before to go to Sony Vegas, better is to make the video smaller. Bigger the video is longger will be the conversion from Sony Vegas without count effects added.
So it's very sample just download the pack there :
You have just to download it. In that pack, you will find the last version of Xilisoft ultimate, and the serial key. Install the program, open it ; go tool, and register, you type a name, whatever why not Joker le bogoss and the serial key gave in a file named "Serial" Open it, copy / paste and you're able to use it. Have fun ^^