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 Why Azurians V2 and V4 is not working with my Ta: Kingdoms?

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Why Azurians V2 and V4 is not working with my Ta: Kingdoms? Empty
PostSubject: Why Azurians V2 and V4 is not working with my Ta: Kingdoms?   Why Azurians V2 and V4 is not working with my Ta: Kingdoms? EmptyThu Sep 21, 2017 8:04 pm

I am Using TaK Switcher.

I am activating the New era Mod 5.1, and using 3 races: Fairy, Cursed, and triyng to use Azurians V2 or V4, but everytime i start a game choosing azurians to participate in the skirmish, the game crashes and in the desktop a message appears:


I've tried to run without the switcher, but even this way the race is not working.

I gladly aprecciate any help.

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Why Azurians V2 and V4 is not working with my Ta: Kingdoms? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Azurians V2 and V4 is not working with my Ta: Kingdoms?   Why Azurians V2 and V4 is not working with my Ta: Kingdoms? EmptyThu Sep 21, 2017 9:26 pm

AzuriansV2 I am not sure of why it would crash. AzuriansV4 and a few other races I play with was a version I stripped of extra files and placed those in a central file: MustHaveN. See your other post and it should show the download.
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Why Azurians V2 and V4 is not working with my Ta: Kingdoms? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Azurians V2 and V4 is not working with my Ta: Kingdoms?   Why Azurians V2 and V4 is not working with my Ta: Kingdoms? EmptyThu Sep 21, 2017 10:13 pm

Thanks! i am continuing the question on the other post.
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Why Azurians V2 and V4 is not working with my Ta: Kingdoms? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Why Azurians V2 and V4 is not working with my Ta: Kingdoms?   Why Azurians V2 and V4 is not working with my Ta: Kingdoms? Empty

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Why Azurians V2 and V4 is not working with my Ta: Kingdoms?
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