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 Script TidBit

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Join date : 2008-08-09

Script TidBit Empty
PostSubject: Script TidBit   Script TidBit EmptyFri Jun 25, 2010 12:22 am

Appears some of the modders are having problems with recompiling scripts where the units walk animation fails to show.

Here's how to fix that: Decompile the script and go to the line where it says get CURRENT_SPEED > 5, in which CURRENT_SPEED = 29 so 5 will never be greater than 29.
To fix the problem add parenthesis around get CURRENT_SPEED > 5 like this: ( get CURRENT_SPEED ) > 5 and recompile; voila walk animations are back.
It's a known bug with scriptor, however, the information apparently was lost. So Good Luck.

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