Look in data.hpi, ipdata.hpi, and v3rocket.hpi with hpi viewer.
An Aramon unit example
Extract these files from hpiview, and create 9 main folders with subfolders:
1. Folder: anims subfolder: buildpic: (araemen.jpg) subfolder: weaponpic: this is only if weapons are being added.
2. Folder: canbuild subfolders: arakeep(barrack): npcemen.tdf
3. Folder: canbuildcb subfolder: same subfolders and files from the canbuild folder: It's meant for Crusade Balance ON games.
4. Folder: features subfolder: all worlds: npcemen_stone.tdf, npcemen_frozen.tdf subfolder: corpses: npcemen_dead.tdf: Features folder is not needed if you are only editing an existing unit.
5. Folder: gamedata subfolder: soundclasses: npcemen.tdf : gamedata folder is not needed if you are only editing an existing unit.
6. Folder: objects3d npcemen.3do and npcemen_dead.3do: objects3d folder is not needed if you are only editing an existing unit
7. Folder: scripts araemen.cob: Only needed if it's not an original aramon unit such as npcemen.
8. Folder: units araemen.fbi
9. Folder: unitscb same araemen.fbi file from the unit's folder: it's meant for Crusade Balance ON games.
You only need to rename these files:
buildpic: ex. npcemen to araemen
canbuild and canbuildcb: npcemen to araemen
script: ex. npcemen to araemen
.fbi: ex. npcemen to araemen
Also rename in units and unitscb/.fbi file like this:
description = from Mission to Aramon;
side = from MIS to ARA;
tedclass = from Mission to Aramon;
unitname = from NPCEMEN to ARAEMEN;
This is only if you are editing an existing unit.
The other NPC stuff will get read from data.hpi, ipdata.hpi, and/or v3rocket.phi.
Lastly, with hpi pack, in the first line, find the folder that has these 9 folders.
On the second line, copy and paste the first line, and add .ufo at the end of the line.
That .ufo file will be placed in the units or mod folder in tak after having installed the tak switcher.
By KM-Sage